Take a Nole to Work
The FSUshadow Program connects students with employers, community partners, alumni, and friends of the university for one-day job shadowing opportunities to provide exposure to a wide variety of career fields and industries.
FSUshadow, planned for the 2021-22 academic year breaks, invites all FSU undergraduate and graduate level students to participate in this program.
Students who participate in FSUshadow will gain knowledge and skills related to career decision making and critical career competencies while in college.
We invite you to serve as a FSUshadow Host and Take a Nole to Work!
2021 Winter Break -- 14, 15, 16 Dec
2022 Spring Break -- 14, 15, 16, 17 Mar
2022 Summer Break -- 01, 02, 03, 04 Aug
In-person and virtual shadowing opportunities